Friday, June 28, 2013


So today was such a crazy day :P
Went to the dentist got to hear my teeth will get pulled out at some point, got a super short haircut, went swimming with my sis outdoors and it was extremely cold and we decided to randomly go watch Man of steel instead :) Ah I love super hero movies with all the dramatic music and explosions however ironman is always gonna be in my heart what so ever. Superman sort of lacks the humor. Anyway superduper worth watching. Next week lone ranger ^^
My new haircut supershort on the sides hoping in four weeks until graduation it will have grown out a bit :D 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A rainbow in my ear

So lately I havn't quite felt music has brought me much happiness like it usually does and I didnt enjoy hearing the good old songs like I usually do but however ouyeah KABOOM just from the sky I fell in love, with Macklemores, Ryan Davies song Can't hold us. And its pretty much been on repeat for the few free minutes I got today. But yeah I'm back at having a music crush, wonder how long this one is gona last :D

The video is amazing too :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oops one of those days

One of those days you say "fuck it i want it" and you actually go get it without walking past it for the 100th time. So yeah we are talking shopping here, I spent my whole morning saying fuckit i like it i want it and imma go get it and so i did. And FINALLEEEY I got my "inka indian print pants"  dats de new fashion crush I have. There are three things I'm totally head over heels with
1. Inka patterns 2. studs 3. lace...
If you find any kind of clothing with any of those on I want it and once they are mixed or all on the same piece of clothing I cry. Its my addiction and crush.

Here are dem pics and Ill go calm my tits from this adrenalin rush I get from shopping :D

Both Shirt and pants are bought from Cubus 49.95€ for the pants and 19.95€ for the shirt :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Sorry for my quietness however I've been on a little holiday to Holland for a couple of days with my bf. Freaking awesome, I'm planning to go study in Holland by the end of this year and I sort of wanted to go see the area and neighborhood in which ill probably get an apartment in. And we did some touristing in Amsterdam and smelled the Coffee shops.

Im also a collector of hard rock cafe t-shirts from all around the world and I happened to be missing Amsterdam which was strange so YAY now my collection is almost complete :P

Furthermore It's been quite a busy week, I'm starting my summerjobb tomorrow at Moominworld as I'll be working in the kiosks, and I had to go to a couple of schoolings  However I still feel very unsure about what I'm supposed to do and how things works, also I'm super shy when it comes to communicating in Finnish since i just simply don't speak it fluently... :S
Anyway I guess ill be fine after a while :)

So yeah please everybody come visit me in the Moominworld and laugh at me since I simply cannot use a cash register and my math skills are super pore and Im most likely going to give you too much change back :D