Saturday, November 29, 2014

Movies of 2014

This past year Ive seen quite a few movies and its almost the end of the year I thought Id take a look back and share some thoughts on them. Watch out for maybe spoilers...
Most recently:

The Hungergames, Mockingjay
 To all the fans out there, I am so sorry but this movie is pure crap. It makes no sense that the movie is split into two, everything was stretched to the point of pure boredom. Also some total unimportant scenes were added that could have been left out to keep the movie somewhat interesting. I have a girlcrush for jennifer lawrence and still totally adore her so Id still be able to watch the 2nd part.

What else to expect from the creators of inception and music by Hans Zimmer. I mean this movie deserves all oscars out there and any other award. This movie is pure perfection i loved it into the smallest details, the story is amazing. and worth watching at least 10 more times. All other movies end up in the shadow by this one. It totally brings u into a new generation of what "good" movies are and the standards have been set sky high due to this movie. I am serious i cried 5 times and walked crying out of the cinema once it finished. Not even titanic makes me that emotional. You will feel, terrified, schoked, surprised, sad, pure happiness, joy and relief. All in one movie. The trailer doesn't do the movie any justice, it didn't seem like my style at all, but decided to see it anyway since the ratings of it on imbd is a 8.9/10 which is really high for imbd. 

Guardians of the galaxies

Guardians Of The Galaxy movie poster
This movie was soo much fun, I totally adore Marvel (not only because of ironman... :D) movies and didn't get disappointed. Also the Internet hype about this one  makes total sense. I will never get the image out of my head when groot lights some sparks in his little "treehouse" sooo beautiful.
The story didn't leave much of an impression, mostly cool action scenes, shootings and fun jokes. So I guess it would be smart to watch it again...

The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie
EPICNESS!! This movie will totally bring you to your childhood. Such nostalgia such awesomeness. The story was totally random but doesn't matter but the details.... :O the details in this movie is sick. Its animated and it takes some getting used to seeing lego figures move as they usually only do that in your own imagination.... but at some point it just becomes natural and really cool, sometimes u even see the fingerprints on the figures and the way the hands move and hair etc is just priceless. To me this movie is just pure enjoyment of art and details and ofc the story was fun to follow but wasn't the most important to the viewer. Loooots of references were present which makes the movie worth watching it many times to make sure you haven't missed them. 

This is a tricky one. The action scenes are amazing, and everything is massive with looots of explosions and flying stuff and sounds and screaming and yeah idk typical end of the world thing. And somehow when u walk out of the movie u feel strangely filled with adrenaline and satisfied. I liked this one but i would probably not watch it again and especially not a downloaded laptop screen kind, this one is only for cinema setting with lots of speakers etc. It falls a lil short on the story but all in all Its a nicely made.

To me this movie was just nope nope nope jetpacking away.I have not read the book, which i can imagine would be good, nothing wrong with the story. But the movie is just sooo typical wannabe hunger game twilight girl movie etc, even if it could be perfectly suitable for guys too. I would maybe watch possible follow ups but then i would expect better acting and overall better production. It just felt like a very low budget Hollywood movie that was expected to become suuuper awesome but just died halfway


Ahh, my love for Johnny depp will never end and in this movie he is a great character. BUT the story is soooo damn confusing and difficult to understand. Maybe I'm just not smart enough and usually when I watch movies i am brain dead anyway also since i think its sci-fi which i already find a strange genre. I did like the quality of actors and setting, which made it enjoyable to watch. Probably worth watching one more time just to get the story right. 

A million ways to die in the west
A Million Ways To Die In The WestJust one reaction i felt afterwards was "what the actual f*ck did I just watch". Me and my bf literally looked at each other and considered stopping the movie and wish we could "unwatch" it. And this movie is supposed to be funny, i pretty much have the worst sence of humor out there and find most things funny, but this was not funny in anyway whatsoever and the time i laughed was prob because of how stupid and bad this movie is. 

4minute mile
This movie is not the typical world wide known cinema movie, but it sure is a good one. This one somehow touched me, ofc I always cry when male characters cry but in this one i just felt extremely connected to the characters. Also i must admit it never hurts watching attractive people work out but i mean the story was different than most movies and it felt fresh and different. This one I saw in the airplane with crappy quality so i can only imagine it being better on a normal screen. 

how_to_train_your_dragon_twoHow to train your dragon 2.
I felt a fell a lil behind in the hype about this movie and didn't watch the 1st movie until i had heard a 2nd movie was coming out. But i love them soooo much!! Or maybe they are a lil childish but still toothless is soooo likeable i want. I think they should stop here and not make any more followup since the story was kind of drained out now from the already existing ones. I honestly think these ones were better than any other recently hyped about animated movies like.... (frozen....) don't hate me plis. 

Still to come this year

The Hobbit
I loved the previous ones, since the movie quality is sooo good. I dont like fantasy movies so sometimes i find it difficult to like LOTR or Hobbit because of the strange orks and what not. But i will defeneatly see this one when it comes out, and preferably in IMAX.

hobbit_the_battle_of_the_five_armies_ver2The Judge.
Hmm i have not seen the trailer or heard anything, but u know. Robert Downey Jr... Ill prob wont watch it in the cinema but i defenatly wanna see this man in a suit for 2h :)

Big Hero 6 movie posterThe Judge movie poster

Big hero 6
This one wont come out until february in holland and i will kill anyone trying to spoil something for me. This movie seems extremely adorable, funny and the new hype for both adults and kids. CANT WAIT!!

Sorry about the long post congrats if you made it through, just had to get this one out of my system :DD


A couple of weeks ago it was time for a date, something me and my bf try to keep up once a month. However last time he sort of went a lil crazy. I have no idea why as I dont even need crazy dates and I already explained to him, im a girl with low demands. Anyway apparantly he does not listen to me so he took me to DenHaag and found a restaurant in complete japanese style, with eatingbooths where u take your shoes of and sit on pillows etc. no words could describe, I have a feeling I sat there all evening in a dream and cant rememeber what we even talked about I was just in pure shock. Ohwell sometimes this guy just knows how to make me cry from happiness


Friday, November 14, 2014

Quote of the day: My butt doesnt lie

Hey, the reason to why I keep this blog is a sort of a diary for myself so I can look back and see my development and also for my friends across the world that I maybe dont get to talk to on a daily basis still knows whats up in my life. However lately it feels like life is flying over my head, sometimes the daily rythm is so consistent Im getting worried Im ending up in a boring circle and forget to enjoy the moments. I dont want the future me to forget how great things can be sometimes and how lucky I am. 

1. I finally got a job at starbucks my dreamjob as a barista. I have been working there since september. Had to go through an insanely intense training and finally im accepted. Its tough work and struggle sometimes with my collegues but most of the time I enjoy working there, unless its soo busy people start snatching at each other i have also managed to make a few friends there :)

Xmas campaigne has started, epic mugs in store now!
Me and Bux partners, having some redvelvet cake and coffee tasting
Other than working, Ive been hanging out with my friends from school and ofc my bf, and I feel we are closer than ever before. 
I love this pic
Lovely camera roll on phone with my girl
Also my sister turned 18 the otherday and sometimes I miss this chick so damn much. Cant wait to do some crazy shit once im back in finland.