Sunday, April 13, 2014


Recently my life has changed so much I feel my blog has fallen behind awfully and therefore lacked motivation to keep you updated. 

The reason to why im s busy is because someone special managed to steal my heart even if I promised myself to keep it to myself. Once it felt right it felt right and there was no return whatsoever :D We have now officially been together for more than a month ^^ And soon I will get to see his parents #seriousbusiness...

The other day we went to Hollands most famous amusement park for children and I think me and my bf were the most chidish people in the whole park. It was amazing though and havnt had so much fun since I moved to Holland.

Second of all I have found myself a new appartment and will recieve the keys in May, its just around the corner of my current place so moving wont be a drama. I will spam this blog with the pictures of it once I get to move in.

Also Im going to Finland by the end of the week!!! Time has been flying since new year so it feels so strange to allready see my friends and home town in a couple of days! :O Whaat..

Yesterday I went to my 1st festival it was on a beach and got free entrace because my cousin was playing as a DJ, once he had played his songs for 1½ hour we went home. Soooo coool though. Had so much fun with my cousins girlfriend which pretty much has become my friend and older sister ^^.

The Party tent, even the windows fell out :D

The party beach ^^

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