Sunday, August 17, 2014


Ive been back in Holland for almost a week now and uni wont start until september which feels like an eternity. I am keeping myself busy by sending application letters for some jobs as I am in a desperate need for money by now, and the winter months will always be more expensive thanks to xmas :D

Anyway last week me and my bf went to Amsterdam to check out How to train a dragon 2 and then after that he took me to a tapas restaurant. It was super cozy as it was extremely Spain inspired with spanish waitresses that only spoke heavily accented english and long tables with sangria, also intentional spray painted walls and carving of people who had been there etc. We had some really deep talks over candle light and I feel closer to him now than ever before.

Picture taken from google maps
Today is a terribly boring day I guess I will try to draw some manga and listen to looong playlists.
Here is the perfect sunday rainy day playlist:

Later! I hope you have a good one :)

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