Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I think my favorite piece of clothing when i was younger were these pants with cow print on, I even named them my "cow pants" and yeah i must have felt very stylish when i wore them. Too bad I don't have a picture of it right here, I might upload it one day just for the laughs. 

My favorite piece of clothing today is a carlings "baseball" shirt by saints and mortals i posted earlier. Its just so easy to pull over your head and not having to wear anything else with it, except pants ofc... Hihiii i just love the colors of the sleeves :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013


I have my graduation 20th of July and if Im not fast at getting a white dress i will have to go wrapped in a white sheet like a freaking toga party :S I dont know what to do.
Here is my top 4. I think i personally like 2 or 3 the best.
Please feel free to tell your opinion in the comments :)


Stress doesn't kill you, its your reaction to it

I think many IB-students in the world can relate with "ohmygod im going to die", and that's quite exactly what rushes through my mind all the time while I'm gluing post its all over my room so wherever I look I will see the crap I can't remember and i really hope it can help me with memorizing. 
But the truth is we cant die, how strange wouldn't it be if we all just died while writing our exams, i really hope that won't happen. So I think I'm just going to be fine. So in case you just dropped down from the sky this is my last weekend to study before my finals start by the end of the week and im keeping my fingers crossed I will receive the diploma.

Anyway todays challenge is: 
6. Best compliment you've gotten vs. something not so nice someone has said of you
I think the best compliment I've heard must something extreme as "your imperfections makes you perfect", and I mean that's a quite deep paradox, what is it even supposed to mean? Anyway I think its quite funny, I know we all have imperfection but who would think that's whats makes us perfect. So does this mean you cant be perfect without being imperfect? Okay I'm lost...

So the worse compliment iv'e heard is something like, "oh you are an IB-Bitch you are so busy with ur self and u think u are better than everybody else"... I don't even know how to react to that "ain't nobody got time to think about oneself, bitch please". So yeah never ever ever judge anyone based on something as simple as what education they are in or whatever, that really doesn't mean you know me.

Oh and by the way if the answer to my ASL still isn't clear then its : 19, female, Finland... :P In case that helps with getting to know me.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


5. Happiest memory vs.Saddest memory

Happiest memory: I must say I've had a crap load of good times during my life so far and I think the happiest memories must have been with my friends or with my BFs. I have 4 really awesome, which of three we have formed a group in which we call us the shamrocks... :D since they have four leaves and they always bring luck and happiness... or something, anyway that name was invented when we were 13 or something and it got stuck. The other awesome friend I have I've been friends with since I was seven, she is awesome in the way that even if i don't get to see her very often i know she is always there for me and whenever i see her its like we have never been away from each other. So the awesomeness memories range between a trip to Spain with my BF, or to Tallinn and to memories with the shamrocks of when we went to Norway for a whole week as a class trip, when one of my friends suddenly lost her eyebrow (i think she accidentally shaved it) and the other dropped her camera, even if these were sad happenings we sometimes look back at that day which was the "day straight from hell" and laugh our asses off at how miserable we were.. :D

Saddest memory: I think my saddest memory must be the time my grandpa passed away, I think many of us humans would associate their sad memories with the loss of a loved one. My grandpa suffered from cancer and after a long fight he eventually died at the age of around approx 60. Anyway he used to have a lot of pigeons and one day a baby pigeon was born he named it after me. After the death of my grandpa I had super hard time to sleep since i was afraid anytime another of my loved ones would pass away. Although now a few years later I can finally look back at our good times with my grandpa with a smile. 

A bit old pic of the shamrocks but from the road trip to Norway which brings me the best memories. Good old times, trust me there will be alooot more about these ladies Im just telling ya.

Friday, April 26, 2013

4. Best present received vs. worst present received

Soo today is one of those days the panic and stress starts kicking in... and i knew it would happen, i knew it and WHYYY didnt I realize it until now!
I have my final IB-exams starting next week Thursday and i've had a whole month time to read for those exams and why do I still feel as dumb as always -.- Its not fair, maybe I've just reached my maximum brain capacity... So I've more or less been reading like a maniac today and that's what I'll be doing the coming weekend, i apologize for the boringness that my life consist of. :P

The best present must maybe be a toaster I got from my parents last christmas... :D And does that sound wrong to you, I'll tell you its a ferrari red OBH-nordica toaster, and why is it so awesome? Well imagine I'll move out to my own apartment after the summer which is quite likely, can you imagine how I AM the one who already has a toaster, and they are quite expensive. But i just know that one day I feel alone in my own apartment I'll look at that toaster and think "damn I'm lucky i have a toaster", and it means everybody is going to be jumping over me in order to be my room mate because not everybody has a toaster at that point ;) (call me optimist.. :D) Anyway just have to mention the 40 roses i received from my BF on my birthday morning this year... Its quite a huge amount. 

Then to the worse present I have ever received  hmm lets say I asked for a BMW car for my birthday more or less as a joke. And yes i did get a BMW but hmm should i mention it was a toy car? All in all it was perfect BMW blue 5 series the door opened and closed except I cant fit in it and I didn't get any keys for it ... :( Hehe sense the sarcasm it was quite a funny present but cant think of anything else. :D

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Back on track

So now once im back on track with the challenge again (oops i missed yesterdays one... :S)
Anyway todaaaayyy the question is "watjawanadoo when u were kiddooo and whatjawannadoo when ur abit less of a kiddoo" or something like that #3 anyway check the list i posted earlier.

Okay this one is easy when I was younger I was craaaazzeey about these fishes with big brains aka. dolphins.. I wanted to take care of dolphins.... o.O Yeah... as simple as that, feeding dolphins in an aquarium or something. Anyway that dream is crushed since I'm scared to death of anything swimminglike in water. However I find dolphins and sharks quite fascinating... :D
Anyway so what am I doing at the moment, well I'm aiming to study psychology or anthropology at a uni this autumn so that's what imma be doing sometime but nowww I got a summerjob at the MOOMINWORLD in finland... Kinda cool huh? I get to sell stuff in some shops all summer, anyway it's my first summer job ever so I'm not complaining :D


What a day

Phew, what a busy day I had yesterday studying watching iron man Ikea etc etc took me a while until I finally could crash on the sofa at home...
Sooooo I watched iron man 3 yesterday on the premiere day and Ill use three words to describe the movie: 1. mindblowing 2. fantastic 3.iwanttoseeitagain... :D I'm serious it was SICK! Marvel is sooo awesome at making movies, the details literally jump of the screen and its soo realistic and its a must watch in 3D. Almost shed a tear at the end, I wont spoil anything.... ;)

Soo I sort of didnt post yesterdays blog challenge oops... :D
An unflattering picture of me vs. a pretty picture of me...
The funny thing here is that both pictures were taken yesterday one in the morning on my way to the library and the other gotta love my dear friend messing up my hair in the library.... I really dont know what happened to my face there... :S

The difference is quite scary I barely recognize myself on the 1st one :D

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I happened to find this quite random blog challenge on one of my friends blog that I like to read, and who doesn't love challenges... And also it helps you to get to know me better, since it feels boring to do the typical ASL (age sex location) thing and tadaaaa you totally know me now... -.- not... :D

1. First Youtube-video you ever saw vs. Most recent Youtube-video you saw
2. A pretty picture of you vs an unflattering picture of you

3. What you wanted to be when you grow up and what you're doing now (e.g. summerjob)

4. Best present received vs. worst present received
5. Happiest memory vs. saddest memory
6. Best compliment you've gotten vs. something not so nice someone has said of you
7. Your favorite piece of clothing when you were younger vs. your favorite now
8. Last time you laughed so that your stomach hurt vs. last time you cried (and why)
9. List your 10 most played songs.

10. A celebrity you admire vs. a celebrity you hate!

So I'll be trying to complete this within 10 days, posting a challenge every day starting NAAOO.

1. My First youtube video I ever saw that I remember the clearest must have been these Happy three friends, and isnt that just a lovely way to be introduced to the internetzzz when your younger at around age of 10? Huh... yeah thanks alot. I must say it was traumatizing and especially the theme song causes night mares.

Hmm the latest Youtube video i saw must have been this gorgeous gay Joseph Birdsongs video:
I have no idea why but for some reason I fell instantly in love with this guy after a while, he is just so awkward and always manages to make me laugh, he is simply lovely. 
So all in all i dont think i have grown up in any way, i still like strange humor... :D

Sant Jordi

Argh, Im so overwhelmed at the moment. Today is Sant Jordi or you may call it Saint George's day, which in Catalonia mainly focuses on the legend of "saint George and the dragon" which is a story about him saving a princess through killing a dragon, and from the blood of that dragon a rose. This day can be seen as the Catalan "valentines day". The tradition is thus to give a rose to your loved ones. Soooo what happened to me today is that my Catalan boyfriend shows up with the hugest rose you can even imagine. Literally the size of your fist. And yeh how is it ever even possible to thank for a rose like that? I guess i have to run to the shop and buy some 400roses in return :D

Ohwell the emberassing part is i didn't know it was sant Jordi today, and he just shows up with a flower and my reaction "why do you have a flower?" and "what!? ur crazy!"... well that's how thankfull I am.... -.-' unbelivable... :D

Monday, April 22, 2013


You know the feeling that music sometimes can give you?
The only way I can describe the importance of music in my life is "music is my oxygen".
Without music I don't want to wake up, without music I cant study, without music I can't think.
The louder the better, until my blood pumps in the same rhythm as the beat of the music. I feel sorry for the neighbors sometimes as the windows start shaking due to just me listening to music. :D
However once I find a good song its like meeting my soul mate, from the first moment I just know it is meant to be, even if it is a temporary crush that lasts a week of continuous repeating the songs or a crush that can last for years.
For example my music crush for Justin Timberlake started in 2006 from the song My Love is still in my heart today. And the strongest so far is for Owl City since 2009, fireflies and meteor shower. And OneRepublic since 2010 and now the latest Kim Cesarion since last week.

Some Youtube Links that will make you leak rainbows, tears flow, party hard, and just simply put you in an euphoric state:

Kim Cesarion, Undressed
Owl City Meteor Shower
Love is my drug
Justin Timberlake Mirrors
One Republic, Cant stop
Isac Elliot

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Aah so soon so sooon!! 
I'm literally jumping up and down all hyper, about this most exciting day of my life. 
My love for Iron man, Tony Stark, The Avengers, Marvel, Robert Downey Jr etc anything of that format has ruled my life since last year when I saw The Avengers in the cinema and since then a couple of 100 times. 
But now FINALLEYYY i have tickets for premiere day 24 April here in Finland. And its gonna be freaking biggest screen in whole Finland 3D and all so I'm just saying bring it on I'm ready!
Threeeee daaaayyyyysss left!!!

I'm blinded by the strong light from ur chest mr.Iron man u better come save me now...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Stuff Im blessed with

One of those days when you suddenly feel rich pass your favorite clothing shops and there is NO WAY you would walk away empty handed... I always tend to fall in love with the "saints and mortals" collection, these are some clothes I have more or less started living in I wont let them leave my body no matter what... :F
(Pictures are stolen from Carlings webpage, just because I'm too lazy to take the pictures myself...)

A very much craved dress it's called Fary ^^

Just because I can

Well I guess this first post is supposed to be super special and a once in a life time experience etc. etc. I am sorry to announce that this will be disappointing. Once you have finished reading this post you will think, "oh well that was a waste of time" and I'll say "yes indeed" I tricked you, I made you read this post from beginning to end. Just because I can. 
And just because I can I decided to start one of those "my room, my breakfast, my dog (i dont have a dog), my ice cream, my funny pictures, my not so funny pictures, links that make you laugh, my humour (which nobody understands), the weather..." kind of blogs. And leave if you are bored there are plenty of other more interesting blogs out there...
And yeh sorry if this was a waste of your time... I promise there will be more... ILL BE BACK! AND IT WILL BE BETTER!