Argh, Im so overwhelmed at the moment. Today is Sant Jordi or you may call it Saint George's day, which in Catalonia mainly focuses on the legend of "saint George and the dragon" which is a story about him saving a princess through killing a dragon, and from the blood of that dragon a rose. This day can be seen as the Catalan "valentines day". The tradition is thus to give a rose to your loved ones. Soooo what happened to me today is that my Catalan boyfriend shows up with the hugest rose you can even imagine. Literally the size of your fist. And yeh how is it ever even possible to thank for a rose like that? I guess i have to run to the shop and buy some 400roses in return :D
Ohwell the emberassing part is i didn't know it was sant Jordi today, and he just shows up with a flower and my reaction "why do you have a flower?" and "what!? ur crazy!"... well that's how thankfull I am.... -.-' unbelivable... :D
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