Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I happened to find this quite random blog challenge on one of my friends blog that I like to read, and who doesn't love challenges... And also it helps you to get to know me better, since it feels boring to do the typical ASL (age sex location) thing and tadaaaa you totally know me now... -.- not... :D

1. First Youtube-video you ever saw vs. Most recent Youtube-video you saw
2. A pretty picture of you vs an unflattering picture of you

3. What you wanted to be when you grow up and what you're doing now (e.g. summerjob)

4. Best present received vs. worst present received
5. Happiest memory vs. saddest memory
6. Best compliment you've gotten vs. something not so nice someone has said of you
7. Your favorite piece of clothing when you were younger vs. your favorite now
8. Last time you laughed so that your stomach hurt vs. last time you cried (and why)
9. List your 10 most played songs.

10. A celebrity you admire vs. a celebrity you hate!

So I'll be trying to complete this within 10 days, posting a challenge every day starting NAAOO.

1. My First youtube video I ever saw that I remember the clearest must have been these Happy three friends, and isnt that just a lovely way to be introduced to the internetzzz when your younger at around age of 10? Huh... yeah thanks alot. I must say it was traumatizing and especially the theme song causes night mares.

Hmm the latest Youtube video i saw must have been this gorgeous gay Joseph Birdsongs video:
I have no idea why but for some reason I fell instantly in love with this guy after a while, he is just so awkward and always manages to make me laugh, he is simply lovely. 
So all in all i dont think i have grown up in any way, i still like strange humor... :D

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